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tv   CNN Tonight With Don Lemon  CNN  October 10, 2017 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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i don't want to skew the results, but the president might want to warm up with a closed door white house-only spelling bee before he enters the competitive world of pay-per-view. a world i may have just invented but i'm very much into, because this is where we are people, on the "ridicu-list." thanks for watching "360." "cnn tonight" starts right now. president trump lashing out in a not at all presidential way after a top republican says he is setting us on a path towards world war iii. this is "cnn tonight." i'm don lemon. these are some of the things the president has talked or tweeted today, suggesting he'd like to compare his iq test to rex tillerson's. don't worry, he was joking -- or not. also giving the chairman of the foreign relations committee, the nickname "little bob corker." that's little with two ds. how is that for iq?
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kind of like when he calls senator marco rubio as little marco. which the president seems to think is hilarious. and he can't quite let go of his feud with the nfl, taking pot shows at the league. all of this as the president is briefed today on his options to respond to the nuclear threat from north korea. #priorities. let's get right to cnn's senior political reporter, chief investigative correspondent for yoo-hoo news, and author of the truth of about trump. wow. so nia, you first. good evening, everyone. the feud continues. president trump responded to the feud with senator corker with this tweet. the failing "the new york times" said little with two d's, bob corker up by recording of the conversation.
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was made to sound a fool, and that's what i'm dealing with. first of all, corker said he hoped they were recording. aside from that, this tweet is on trend from the president, he's feeling the pressusure and now he's punching back. >> that's right, he's punching back in the same ways with the same sort of nicknames. i think in some ways he needs to step up his game because he's basically recycling the marco rubio nickname. over the course of trump's presidency, he has feuded with something like 20% of republicans in the senate. corker is just the latest at this point. i think the question is what sort of material effect does this actually have on what republicans want to get done in congress? if you look at corker's record, for instance, he's voted with the president 87% of the time, so he's not exactly someone who's been going against the president legislatively
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over these last many months. so when you look at tax reform, the iran deal, in some ways corker very important, a point person on that because he's the head of the foreign relations committee. so you imagine that, you know, there are overtures being made to bob corker certainly not from the white house necessarily and donald trump but other people, legislative aides and certainly people like mitch mcconnell. what was damning for republicans after this happened is that no one really came to the defense of donald trump. they basically sort of praised bob corker. some people said he said it, i didn't. i think that was marco rubio's response. >> i'm sorry, he's not returning, right? >> yeah. >> i want to read some of these tweets. the president put out a couple of tweets tonight. he says, the fake news is at it again, this time trying to hurt one of the finest people i know, general john kelly, bay saying he will soon be fired. this story is totally made up by
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a dishonest media. the chief is doing a fantastic job for me and more importantly the usa. okay. >> i don't know if it's clear exactly -- >> what is he responding to? >> a story in "vanity fair" about some tensions about donald trump and john kelly, his chief of staff, essentially saying they're fighting all the time? we've had some reporting as well about tensions between donald trump as well as his chief of staff. i think it's that. this has been in the ether, essentially since john kelly has joined the white house. how long could he stay, how long would he stay? at some point would donald trump himself start to chafe at all of these stories that say that john kelly is sort of in charge and making him sort of abide by certain rules in the white house and making ivanka trump abide by certain rules. so i think that's what he's getting at, that chatter. >> speaking of tension, april. president trump had a lunch at
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the white house today with the secretary of state rex tillerson and defense secretary james mattis. they had some weighty issues to discuss like iran, north korea. but this also comes after the president told forbes he has a higher iq than tillerson. to be a fly on the wall in that room. i don't know what they're measuring, but go on. >> well, don, you know size always matters with this president in this white house. so iq's i guess part of the size. but i talked to congresswoman sheila jackson in texas, and she said it's not about iq. it's about the issues on the table for the american people. from my sources close to this white house, they were telling me that meeting was contentions. and rex tillerson is definitely not happy with what the president is doing when it comes to iran and other issues. but there is tension. there's tension with tillerson, mattis and with kelly.
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this president last week i said it's friday, should we expect a resignation? it's unfortunate it's a joke, but we have been seeing this interesting pattern arise. and we know that their -- the people who are considered some of the stalwarts for this administration as the president is being a modern day president -- modern-day presidential, they're holding him up and trying to keep the ship right. but i hear that that meeting was contentious. and it's just still tension there. and to talk about iqs, sarah huckabee sanders says it was a joke, but it was a tough joke. >> well, the first rule of comedy is it should be funny, right? so michael isikoff, we have learned the president was furious after reports described tillerson said he was a moron.
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here's how trump responded to forbes. i think it's fake news, but if he did that, i guess we'll have to compare iq tests and i can tell you who would win. here's how the white house characterized that statement from president trump. watch this. >> again, he wasn't questioning the secretary of state's intelligence. he made a joke. maybe you guys should get a sense of humor and try it sometime. but he simply made a joke. he's been extremely clear time and time again despite the fact you guys want to continue to bring this up and create a story. he's got 100% confidence in the secretary of state. >> so sarah sanders says it was a joke, but sources tell tim acosta he was not joking. no surprise there? >> you have to wonder how funny secretary tillerson thought this was. but, look, i think the most significant development is what april just referred to, this meeting, luncheon that they had -- the president had with tillerson and mattis was
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contentious. people have wondered and speculated for some time now what would be a tipping point that would cause, you know, mass desertions of support among republicans on the hill and within his own government from president trump. and a resignation at this point of either tillerson or mattis or kelly would be that tipping point. those are the three people perceived as sort of holding up the ship of state, the adults in the room. and if there were to be a defection among one or more of those three, that would be the jolting event that could be the tipping point. >> absolutely. michael antonio, i want you to take a look at the president's obsession with iq. watch. >> so i tweeted that rick perry
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should have to have an iq test before getting on the debate stage. sit back and i'll match my iq. i want to match my iq with some of those guys, with all of them. those so-called egg heads. and i guarantee you my iq is much higher than theirs, all right? i guarantee you i have a vocabulary better than all of them, most of them, i know i have an iq better than all of them. i know that. governor perry, very nice guy. he made nasty statements about me. then i challenged his iq. i challenged his glasses. what the hell are you wearing glasses for? i said the glasses aren't working. >> michael, why is he obsessed with this? >> i need my glasses, i'm sorry. he's only got a few jokes. >> i've got a pair on right now. i'm smart. >> i lost mine. >> he's only got a few moves. this is guy who likes to talk about how big someone is or how little they are.
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you know, he calls rosie o'donnell big, fat rosie. and then he calls little marco little. he's got a very limited range, corker as well. he's a fellow who doesn't know who his friends are because corker should be his friend. and he goes after everybody. he challenged jon stuart on his iq. perry is on now on his cabinet and he said on his cabinet this is a group that's had the highest iq of a cabinet we've ever had. so who are we supposed to believe? i think the only person who believes this is the president. at least in the moment he says these things. he does believe what's coming out of his mouth in the way of an evangelist. >> does he really believe this stuff? >> he's convinced of it as he
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says it. >> he thinks his family is intellectual? >> i mean it's going to elevate all our iq by 10 or 15 points. this is something disturbing i think for tillerson and mattis. they're now trying to figure out how to keep pakistan from joining china in this one road, one belt project that's going to exclude the west from 70% of world trade. how are they supposed to go there and say this is what our administration proposes. he may come out and say whoa, little mattis and tillerson didn't get my permission to say this. >> talk about the nfl or talk about iq and all that, much more so than focusing on that. very serious things. i really do think -- all of you, i really do think the corker thing got to him. stick around we're going to discuss much more of this. when we come back more sexual harassment allegations around harvey weinstein. now the obamas, hillary clinton
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we have some breaking news tonight. explosive new allegations against movie mogul and top democratic donator harvey weinstein. and how the obamas and hillary clinton are responding now. cnn's brian stelter is here. he joins me now. brian, minutes ago we are finally hearing from some democrats. and there's new information on this weinstein story. what do you know? >> that's right, the weinstein board company denying they knew all about wine stooip's -- weinstein's conduct. the statements from barack obama and hillary clinton, five days after allegations of his pattern of harassment over the years, we heard from hillary clinton and barack obama. first of the former president who said he and his wife michelle are disgusted about these allegations. obama talked about the importance of creating an environment can come forward.
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he said it's important to respect the women who have. and he said any man who degrades women in such a fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status. here's hillary clinton as well, issuing a statement today through her spokesman saying -- i was spoked and appalled by the revelations about harvey weinstein. she was criticized same as obama for not saying anything sooner. these statements are notable because they're coming on the same day "the new yorker" published horrifying rape allegations. three women who have accused him of rape, including two on the record. he denied those allegations. the board of the directors of the company which fired weinstein on sunday is now speaking out, and this includes his own brother, bob. and here's a statement saying, the board of representatives are shocked and dismayed by the recently emerged allegations of extreme sexual misconduct and
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sexual assault by harvey weinstein. these are antethreat call to human decency and come as a surprise to the board and any suggestion that the board had knowledge is false. the statement added we are committed to assisting with our full energies of these criminal investigation of these alleged acts. while pursuing justice for the victims. a full, independent investigation of our own. the board is saying we didn't know about this. there's been a lot of questions how they could possibly been in the dark about how one of their cofounders was behaving this way with actresses, assistants, but here we are, this all-male board saying tonight they somehow didn't know. >> wow. and apparently he is saying now -- he's blaming his brother, saying his brother -- >> that's right. he thinks this is about his brother bob trying to get control. harvey weinstein is now on the way to rehab. >> brian, stick around. i want to get the pam's reaction. april, let's talk about the political part of this.
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hillary clinton, former president obama's condemnation of harvey weinstein, both of them releasing a statement. it took them five days to speak out. i think for hillary clinton, it was a little long. for the wobamas, i don't know i it matters that much because they're no longer any office. but the leading democratic woman in the country, what took so long? >> i am still on the stage particularly with this book. what i believe is happening we are in an age, don, where it's about a media scene. -- about immediacy. i remember the past administration they would wait a bit to get the details. but people want everything fast and right away. and hillary clinton was friends with harvey weinstein. and she also -- the democratic party also benefitted from his financial support. and they are really trying to play catchup, trying to figure
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out, you know, where the money is, what's going on and try to make peace with what's going on so they could go out. and i believe hillary clinton just got caught up in the immediacy of it. yes, she stood by her husband and his issues. but she is also someone who is a political figure and is stepping out saying that she even five days later, that this is appalling to her and she does not condone this. but when it comes to barack obama, i want to take you down the road of history. 2015 i asked barack obama, then president barack obama about bill cosby. and remember it was weeks. we were hearing about congressional leaders talking about taking away that medal of freedom from bill cosby that the president gave him in 2002. so barack obama has talked about this kind of thing before. he didn't just jump out talking about it as that controversy was swirling. so it's interesting the dynamic how this was playing out, the timing versus a couple years
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ago. >> but you know he's still the former president, and his daughter interned for harvey weinstein, i believe it was last semester. i saw them both at some nyu event not long ago. i think people are looking for the former president to speak out about this. bill cosby, that's a whole other thing. i don't think he had to do it as fast as hillary clinton, but still, he should be speaking out about this. >> i think the timing that's most important here, is really what the men is women on the other side of these allegations and actions oftentimes, what they feel they can do in realtime. do they feel comfortable enough to go to hr, to blow the whistle on some of these folks who are doing this? we can talk about after the fact and powerful men and women coming out after the fact and condemning these acts. but what about these women in
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these situations presently? i don't know if you saw the tweet about terry cruise, he talked about being sexually assaulted too -- >> at a hollywood party. you took the words out of my mouth that we can talk about the whole political part of this and the ideology, some people will come on and condemn the current president but then make excuses for harvey weinstein and vice versa. this is not about politics. these are women whose lives have been impacted behind these allegations. michael, i have to ask you, though. neither of these statements from hillary clinton, though, or the obamas, they don't mention harvey weinstein's sizable donations. how big an issue is this for democrats, you think? >> i think it is a big issue. he was a major party donor. and it's hard to imagine that the fact of the volume of his
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money that went into party coffers and campaigns where hillary clinton, barack obama and other democrats wasn't a factor in how people have responded to these allegations. >> i've got to ask you, michael about your documentary. michael isikoff, sorry. i have to ask you about the "access hollywood" tapes. i think it was one year ago when these allegations. >> yeah, one year ago. actually, there's so much that happened in the weekend a year ago. we call it the 64 hours, the weekend that blew up the rules of american politics. >> weren't you here discussing this as well? >> i'm sure i was. but in rapid succession, you had the obama administration publicly accusing the russian government of interfering in our election, of hacking our election.
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and then within an hour on a friday of october 7th, you had the "access hollywood" tape with those, which blew people away, which many people thought at the time was going to knock donald trump's candidacy out of the water. in fact, reince priebus -- and we have people talking about this in the documentary -- were telling him if you don't get out of the race, you're going to lose in the biggest landslide of american political history. and then within a half-hour after that the podesta e-mails are dumped by wikileaks. all of that happening in rapid succession. it's really amazing when you put it all together and you see how two campaigns dealt with this confluence of events leading to the debate on sunday where the trump people came back by bringing the clinton women accusers to the debate and
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having them talk about bill clinton's sexual misconduct. you know, it is -- we have people saying in this including roger stone, who actually gets the last word, that the rules of american politics changed that weekend. and what we don't know is it only for donald trump or will this be forever in elections? but i hope people can watch it. it's 64 hours, the weekend that blew up the rules of american politics. >> i can't wait to watch it. i want michael dantonio to get the last word here. it has been reported now that his wife is leaving him. harvey weinstein's wife is now leaving him. what happens next? >> i think what we're seeing is wherever people are most vulnerable to an imbalance of power, the catholic church, hollywood, media with roger ailes and politics, we're seeing
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that men who have abused that power are being called to account. this is a great development socially. it's a great development politically, but we do have to see in the wake of the "access hollywood" tape and all that we're talking about tonight, whether everyone's going to be held accountable. because there are some in the precincts of power who are yet having their secrets kept by everyone around them. >> fascinating and much more to discuss with all of this. thank you, panel. i appreciate it. have a good evening. when we come back what is the probability of the u.s. actually going to war with north korea? nicholas kristof joins me next. along with our expert military analyst. we come into this world needing others. ♪ then we are told it's braver to go it alone. ♪ but there is another way to live.
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top pentagon officials briefing president trump today on his options with north korea. i want to talk about this with "new york times" columnist nicholas kristof who just came back from there, and cnn's analyst lieutenant mark hurtly. the president was briefed on a range of options to deal with north korea. for weeks the president has been hinting he wants to go to war
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with kim jong-un's regime. do you think, nicholas kristof, that's where we could be heading? >> i sure hope not, and i think it's avoidable. but is it possible? yes. this would not be like other wars. this could escalate very quickly. one study just completed suggested that on the first day a korean war, there would be 1 million deaths. another study said just in seoul and tokyo there would be 2 million deaths. i mean this would be the worst war since world war ii. this would be a cataclysm. and i think we're all aware to the possibility this could happen in the next two years. i don't think it's likely, but i do think it's a possibility. >> what do you think? >> i agree with nick. i think it's something we must
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avoid. i think the president was looking at options. it's something i would tell you all the military guys hope doesn't happen. here's the thing. war on the korean peninsula would be unlike any other conflict we've seen just because of those deaths nick just talked about. it would be extremely complex and devastating for more than just those along the border. with the amount of potential kinetic action that could take place as well as effects on others in the region. and what it would do towards our friendly alliances, it would prove to be something we haven't seen in a very long time. >> i want to ask you about the options presented to president. senator chris murphy of connecticut says we need to take the president's hints on north korea seriously. and he also tweeted the risk of surrounding himself with only military men has always been they will only give him military solutions. so is this senator right? do you believe that mattis,
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kelly and mcmaster are advocating for war only, or giving him other options? >> no, i think that's wrong because all of those people around him, kelly, mattis, mcmaster and others will say, hey, this is the worst-case scenario, and we've got to find the political, diplomatic solution first. remember, combat is politics by other means, by extreme means. so they want to avoid that, because they've seen it. i think most people that think the military guys will push for a military solution are absolutely wrong. >> do you think, nick, it might be the president? because you've seen mattis searching for diplomacy and the president sort of, you know, criticizing him on twitter and saying oh, maybe we should little -- whatever he's calling the guy, rocket man. >> it's sort of striking that
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secretary mattis and h.r. mcmaster, both very smart people who understand the risks have been saying, yes, there are military options. and i think what's happening, and this is conjecture, that trump is going to them and saying give me military options. and they feel obliged to present him with what they call military options but include things like left of launch interference to interfere with missile launches or cyber intrusions or shooting missiles down after they've left korea, things that are indeed kinetic or at least have a military element but don't involve what we would traditionally think of some kind of attack on korean soil. that could trigger a new war. i think this is indeed originating with president trump himself. >> you just got back from north korea. you believe that trump and kim
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jong-un intuitively escalate. explain that. >> so i think that president trump and kim jong-un have a certain similarity that by their nature they tend to hit back very hard. they believe that they can intimidate the other. and, you know, this is what, i think, president trump is trying to do when he talks about war. i don't think he actually wants to have war anytime soon, but i think he thinks he can force kim jong-un to back down. in fact what you see is kim jong-un is using this rhetoric, exploiting it for his purposes. and so every north korean we talked to knew exactly what trump said and knew it because north korean broadcasters are making a big thing of it. >> does trump know that, though? >> well, i would think if he knew it, he would stop doing it. because he's playing into the hands of the north korean propaganda apparatus.
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>> thank you. when we come back, he wrote an open letter to five former presidents asking them to rescue america. he's joining me next. ♪ if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,... ...isn't it time to let the real you shine through? maybe it's time for otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,... ...with reduced redness,... ...thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has... requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. tell your doctor if these occur. otezla is associated with an increased... ...risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have... ...a history of depression... ...or suicidal thoughts,... ...or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla... ...reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. other side effects include upper... ...respiratory tract infection and headache.
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president trump escalating his feud with senator bob corker who has questioned his fitness to serve in office and wonders if trump is setting the u.s. on a path to world war iii. i want to bring in newton mino, a former advise tore six presidents who wrote an open letter to five of them about the state of our union under president trump. also with us cnn presidential historian timothy napthaly. good evening. thank you so much for joining us. you wrote a letter in the washington poet to presidents jimmy carter, george w. bush, bill clinton and barack obama and you say in part -- "i am privileged to have worked with you and each of your administrations. i know how deeply you all love our country. our nation is blessed to have the five of you and your invaluable experience in the oval office, a total of 32 years with steady hands on the nuclear codes.
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the time has come to use this unique asset to help the nation deal with our present situation. most of us now have very short attention spans. the news comes at us 24-7 and we forget what has happened even one month ago. we need to keep reminding ourselves what has happened since president trump took office." what worries you the most mr. minnow and what do you want to see happen? >> when the former head of our national intelligence service, mr. clapper and when people of a quality of senator corker say that they're very apprehensive about the president having his hand on the nuclear code, it makes -- it should make all of us very nervous about what's happening in our country. i call upon the five former
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presidents, who are beyond ambition, who care only about their love for our country, to speak up and to get the country as alarmed as they should be about the current situation. >> tim, i want to bring you in here because some of the red flags that he points out, he says that president trump revealing highly classified information to foreign leaders, ignoring ethical principles, not condemning white supremists, pardoning sheriff joe arpaio and insulting our allice. you've been in the white house before. have you ever seen anything like this? that's for tim, but go on. >> mr. minnow has actually been in the white house. what senator corker, that is list of horribles, there's no doubt about it. but what senator corker said about this president's unstable
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nature is unprecedented. for someone in his position to say that is something we have never heard before. and that raises the whole debate about the president's fitness in a way it hasn't been done before. mr. minnow has laid out the reasons why people should question this president. but senator corker has worked with him. and someone who's worked with him and from the same party says this man cannot be trusted with the nuclear butt oven, that's a big deal. >> do you want to respond, mr. minnow? >> i don't think the president really knows the difference between the -- some people say the president lies. i don't think the president knows the difference of what is the truth. he's attacked judges, the media for doing its job. he's attacked his own party. it's totally unprecedented, and it's very scary. and i call upon the five presidents because they're at a
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stage in life where they want our country to live by its principles. democracy is a very fragile thing. when the constitution was first created benjamin franklin was asked would we have a republic or a monarchy, and benjamin franklin said we can have a republic if you can keep it, if you can keep it. and that's the risk that our current situation means we will not keep it. >> if all of this is destabilizing, what options are there to fix it, mr. minow? >> well, the first thing is to get more people like senator corker to speak up. senator corker has said that many of his own colleagues in the senate of his own party feel the same way he does, but nobody speaks up. either they lack the courage or they're putting their party before their country.
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but we've got to get people to speak up and to announce that our precious form of government, our democratic system has got to be strengthened and not denied. >> what do you -- how do you think, tim, that people will look back after this, and people who reflexively defend the president or criticize those who give him constructive criticism how will they look at themselves? >> well, it's going to depend on how things play out in the next few months. the key question here is mr. minow brings up a very interesting challenge to the former presidents. when richard nixon was running into big trouble in 1973 and '74, in weren't any living presidents. we have no historical precedent for this. his predecessors are following
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presidential norms by not attacking him. but are they prepared to come out and attack the incumbent president and to say to the american people that he is moving us in the wrong way. i don't know. that's the issue for them, because they know they're not supposed to. but that's our tradition. we are now in uncharted water, so they could do something different. >> thank you, i appreciate it. and say hello to everyone in my former city, chicago. appreciate it. >> we miss you here, don. >> thank you, sir. i miss it, too. when we come back the president challenging his secretary of state to an iq test in the wake of reports that rex tillerson called him a moron. the white house says it was all just a joke. but was it? ♪ can i kick it? ♪ yes you can ♪ can i kick it? ♪ yes you can ♪ can i kick it? ♪ yes you can ♪ well i'm gone
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the president telling reporters he has confidence in secretary of state rex tillerson, but he boasted he has a higher iq than tillerson. he was asked about that. >> could you comment on the iq zmenlt >> i didn't undercut anybody. i don't believe in undercutting anyone. >> joining me now is ann hayworth, robbie muck, and kevin madden. hello, you heard president trump affirm his confidence in rex tillerson
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with forbes magazine and responded to reports of calling him a moron. he said i think it's fake news and if we did that, i can tell you who is going to win. how does challenging the secretary help? >> i just think the president was joking. so many times now people try to turn the president's every action into a caricature, but they are a caricature of humorlessness. we can expect better of you, but the president is being lighthearted. >> we're shouldn't take the president of the united states at his word? >> we should always take the president at his word, but not literally. >> i don't know what to say. >> a loss for words? >> every week.
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>> you are at a loss for words? >> no, i was just saying the president is so over his head, he can't trust his own staff and makes these jokes that are not funny in the slightest. california is burping aning ande in a situation with north korea and he is cracking jokes about his secretary of state's iq? this is ridiculous and why he got nothing done. >> he cares a lot about this issue. watch this. >> i know i have an iq better than all of them. my iq is much higher than any of these people. >> he does talk about it a lot. >> look, self a grandizement is a feature of his personality. when he was a reality star and a real estate developer.
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i'm always surprised that people are surprised he would take this and apply it to his presidency. that's one of the things that your earlier guest made a smart observation. this is a president who doesn't adhere to the norms and it's something we talk about endlessly. we have to remember because this is a president who doesn't really adhere to presidential norms, that's why a lot of people supported him. he would be this disinibruptor why he has a strong base of support. i'm always surprised that we are surprised. >> i'm picking up what you are putting down. what the american people want is someone who is credible and they can trust. i top the ask roby and nan.
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"the washington post" has been categorizing and tracking every false or misleading claim. as of today, his 264th day in office, the president made 1,318 claims. he averaged five claims a day, picking up pace since the six-month mark. what does that say about his credibility? >> i think at the end of the day, he's just not a good president. he doesn't tell the truth and he can't folks and you is not interested in the substance of policy. at the one minute, he is making grandiose threats to the leader of north korea and he is saying things in the united states and we are supposed to consider those a joke. it's no coincidence that foreign leaders are not taking him seriously. i find the whole thing depressing. he's a mediocre president and his party has not been vocal
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enough calling him out. i don't think many people will join in. i wonder at what point the american people will abandon him and his base will. he is not doing anything for anybody except keeping him focus and the fact that he has not accomplished anything. >> i want to put this up. this is a cnn poll and 36% said that president trump is honest and trustworthy and 60% said he's not. that's a credibility problem. do you think that's fixable and joking as you say, we should get a sense of humor? >> i think it's critical. under the president's first ten months in office, we put at least a million americans back to work and the stock market continued to do exceedingly well. confidence in the economy and in their prosperity and prospects have all improved. i would point out in terms of
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presidential falsehoods that should really worry us an awful lot, there were glaring ones during the anti-seedent administration and this will not add a dime to the deficit. >> and they didn't create any jobs. >> a million jobs. a million people doing back to work. >> the economy is doing better because of the last president. it continued here. there have not been 1,318 false claims. that's apples and oranges. >> i don't know what their metric is it is not outlets like "the washington post." >> let's be honest, the metric is the truth.
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hold on. either something is true or false. you give a false claim. it's a lie or a truth. >> you can fact check the fact checkers and a lot of them perport to have all the facts on the phenomenon or event actually don't. again i go back to it. >> nan, you and others sit here and reflect on the president of the united states. if he is lying, you are saying someone can come on like robbie or someone and say well, actually, what president obama said if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor is not actually false if you measure it under this metric so let's say it wasn't true. >> he said it over and over again. >> 'can't you say it about this president? a fact is a fact. a lie is a lie. >> this president told us he will put americans back to work. he has done that. >> that are started under the last president. it's not just because of this president. >> don, millions of americans.
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>> all you have to do is look at the facts. it started under the last president. >> here lifted regilations and they are eliminating them for every one. >> what are does that have to do with whether he is misleading people by telling lies. >> i am not aware of him misleading anyone on substantive issues. they probably say we doubt his iq. they are probably counting something like that. >> that has nothing to do with it. you are giving me a shiny object. that has nothing to do with him telling the truth or not. we can see the obama metric about if we like your doctor, you can keep them. that depends on your metric. >> he was elected because they
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were betrayed by the previous administration. the administration that started the positive job outlook. >> we never had as low and you know this, don. as low economic growth as we did in the previous administration. >> okay. all right. >> we have gone far beyond that growth rate now. >> that's not true as well. thank you. >> it is. >> we'll be right back. if you can train oxford to sit... sit you can train yourself to cook with less oil. introducing new pam spray pump made with extra virgin olive oil. now you can pump instead of pour, plus get the superior non-stick you love. new pam spray pump. to find smarter solutions. to offer more precise and less invasive treatment options than before. like advanced genomic testing and immunotherapy. see how we're fighting to outsmart cancer at
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